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Ultra high throughput screening for MALDI

21 February 2017 | Product
by Ian Michael

Analytik Jena and Bruker Daltonics have developed a new ultra-high throughput screening product for biopharmaceutical labs. uHTS MALDI Sample Preparation is a bridge between matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation (MALDI) and sample preparation using automated ultra-high throughput screening (uHTS). Analytik Jena’s CyBio® Well vario automated simultaneous pipettor is used in the preparation of the MALDI plates, and Bruker Daltonics’ rapifleX MALDI Pharma Pulse is used to analyse them. The throughput of the sample prep and spotting of the MALDI target is timed to produce plates on demand for input into the rapiflex MALDI Pharma Pulse, without interruption. The entire process for each 1536-well pipetting plate requires less than ten minutes. Over one million tests are now possible each week. The modular system allows customers to choose the degree of automation which best suits their application and workflow.