The Waters Xevo TQ-S tandem mass spectrometer represents a step change in targeted quantitative UPLC/Multiple Reaction Monitoring (MRM) analysis. This system is capable of accurately measuring target compounds in complex samples at femtogram levels or below. The Xevo TQ-S is designed for UPLC/MS/MS applications such as biological and medical research, bioanalysis, food safety, environmental monitoring and forensics testing where speed, sensitivity, and accuracy are of paramount importance.
The Xevo TQ-S features new StepWave™ ion-transfer technology, a revolutionary off-axis design for dramatically increasing the efficiency of ion transfer from the ion source to the quadrupole MS analyser while at the same time actively eliminating undesirable neutral contaminants. This gives the Xevo TQ-S impressive class-leading sensitivity. When compared to earlier generation mass spectrometer models the chromatographic peak areas are typically more than 30 times bigger and the signal-to-noise ratios are typically 5–10 times better.
The novel, high speed transfer optics and collision cell design allows the TQ-S system to acquire both full scan MS and MRM data simultaneously on narrow, 1–2 s wide UPLC peaks and still obtain >12 points across the peak, something that is particularly useful in methods development when dealing with a complex matrix, for monitoring for the presence of new components in the sample during routine analysis or troubleshooting an assay.
With the Xevo TQ-S mass spectrometer, scientists can now confidently quantify compounds at lower concentrations than previously possible. The instrument’s sensitivity also allows scientists to consider diluting samples in order to reduce matrix effects that interfere with compound measurements. They can also work with smaller sample volumes, a big benefit when analysing precious biological samples taken from animals or humans.