The new desorption electrospray ionisation (DESI) XS source is now available on the Waters SELECT SERIES Cyclic IMS, SYNAPT™ XS and Xevo™ G2-XS QTof mass spectrometers. Waters acquired the rights to DESI™ from Prosolia and the Purdue Research Foundation in 2018. When coupled to a mass spectrometer, DESI XS produces a visual map of the spatial distribution of small molecule drugs, metabolites and lipids within a variety of sample and surface types. With DESI XS, scientists can image tissue samples, screen metabolites in bacterial colonies, identify individuals from fingerprints taken directly from various surfaces and examine cross-sections of natural products like roots and tubers. As a direct ionisation source, DESI XS eliminates the need for sample preparation and chromatography prior to the introduction of the sample into the mass spectrometer.